Encourage collaboration between all your employees in production, on the move or at the office with Alundi, your company’s social intranet.
Waves, the bulletin boards of Alundi
The waves provide your company with a platform which makes information accessible all the way to the workshop. Community Builders have an extensive range of online opportunities to enrich messages. Not only can they integrate photos and videos; they can also add a pdf, a link to forms, or a multiple choice question.
The option to create multiple choice questions is particularly useful, as they allow you to quickly collect feedback from employees in production. For instance, you can gauge their satisfaction, invite them to confirm their attendance at an event or ask them how they think certain processes can be improved. All answers can be stored directly on their user profile.
Waves can also be set up as a FAQ page, on which employees can easily find answers to reoccurring questions; a quick win for your most frequently requested services. Furthermore, because all messages in Alundi can be translated in over 50 languages, misunderstandings are a thing of the past.
Upload videos to give employees the opportunity to follow additional training when it suits them best, or explain what can be improved in their immediate work environment or to their tools and equipment.
Use comments and likes to keep everyone in the loop. Encourage interaction and feedback in your teams and discover what they really care about.

Alundi forms
Community Builders can compose complex forms with a user-friendly online tool based on an extensive pallet of input fieldsthat allows a choice between different options, a checkbox, a button to scan barcodes, a button to upload files,... it is all available in the standard version of Alundi. You can even create conditional sublevels to configure complex forms.
Forms are made available in real time in the app and can also be translated via the Alundi translation tool. The Community Builder can configure forms to send a notification to the administrator immediately after completion. This way, a leave request ends instantly in the hands of the right person and can be processed a lot faster. Via an API link then, forms can be read directly into the company's ERP system.
Alundi can be used for a wide range of applications:
- Reporting absence
- Request for vacation
- Ordering professional clothing
- Report faults on machines
- Performance reports
Upload and share pdf’s using Libraries
Practical documents, such as manuals or codes of conduct, can be stored in libraries. Access rights are managed centrally by the community builder. From now on, everyone has the same documents and the most recent versions! With our HR module, you can even upload confidential documents such as pay slips or detachment documents in batches for your entire workforce in one go. The distribution of paper pay slips is now a thing of the past.

Reminders and dialogue
Send your employees a short, urgent message and get a read confirmation. Reach employees who have not yet installed Alundi via SMS. With an Alundi-Alert, you are sure that everyone has been notified.
Determine per team if all members can chat with each other, or if they can only exchange messages with their supervisor or with the HR manager. Maybe you would rather like to set up a cross-team chat group on an ad hoc basis? The Community Builder organises it without much effort and also maintains a neat overview.
The Alundi messenger can be linked to the central planning via API. This way, your employees directly receive their planning for the next day.
Chat messages can also be translated into the language of the user. This is the solution to bridge the language gap between colleagues and has a positive impact on the involvement of all employees.

Use the mother tongue of your employees
The workshop is becoming more and more international. That is why Alundi has a built-in translation assistance. Employees can always decide to translate messages on a bulletin board or in the chat. The translation aid is available in more than 50 world languages, including Polish, Romanian, Hungarian, ... but also Chinese and Arabic. Thanks to Alundi, all internal information becomes available in the mother tongue of your employees. You no longer need to translate anything and you can be sure that your employees understand the latest safety instructions.
Multifunctional home screen
In Alundi, the administrator determines what the start screen looks like. This way, attention can be drawn to new important messages or documents, in addition to a number of basic forms that can be made permanently available to your workers. Besides linking documents or forms on the home screen, this is also a simple way to make the safety manager directly accessible via chat or to distribute a training video.
The layout of the home screen can be configured differently for each team. This ensures that only relevant information and processes are shown.

Effective management* of teams and employees.
Alundi is an easy to manage communication platform. Your company retains full control over its information flows. As Alundi was founded in Europe for European companies, we develop in accordance with the guidelines of GDPR and ISO-27001. You can be sure: your data is safe with Alundi.
(*) Real-time connection with your HR Information System is possible.
Hybrid architecture
Alundi is a SaaS solution linked to a multifunctional app. The platform is a complete toolbox for HR support, internal communication and collaboration. The configuration requires no IT knowledge and is perfectly manageable for employees in HR or communication.
In addition, it is possible to link all information channels (alerts, chat, bulletin boards, documents, forms) and the user management to the HR Information System, the planning or ERP. We develop these APIs entirely ourselves, which makes us flexible to find a suitable answer tailored to the company's needs.
Possibilities include:
- Automatically give access to the app, defining user groups and determining how these people can communicate with each other;
- Automatically closing access to the platform after an employee has left the company;
- Distributing pay slips, posting documents, and much more;
- Offer forms per order to employees (on the move) and feed the completed forms back to the ERP system;
- Sending out the individual planning via chat from the dispatching;
- …